Note: most K-Type thermocouples have about ±2°C to ±6°C accuracy
Custom FeatherWing that accepts the mounting of either a Adafruit K-Type Thermocouple AD8495 Breakout, or a Adafruit MAX31856 Universal Thermocouple Amplifier This board allows you to connect a Type K thermocouple to the AD8495 Breakout and output to an analog input, or connect a Type K, J, N, R, S, T, E, or B type thermocouple to the MAX31856 Universal breakout and output to 4-wire SPI.
Adafruit K-Type Thermocouple AD8495 Breakout $12/ea. Sensing Accuracy Range: ± 1°C around room temperature, ± 2°C for −25°C to +400°C. Requires at lease one analog pin. AF tutorial
Adafruit Universal Thermocouple Amplifier MAX31856 Breakout -210°C to +1800°C; $17.50/ea; SPI data output to any 4 digital I/O pins. AF tutorial
Adafruit MAX31856 Universal Thermocouple Amplifier
Product #3263
// M0 (Feather M0)
// Make sure Arduino IDE board = "Adafruit Feather M0"
// 300000 ms = 5 min
// 60000 ms = 1 min
// 10000 ms = 10 sec = 0.1 Hz
// 1000 ms = 1 sec = 1 Hz
// 100 ms = 0.1 sec = 10 Hz
// 10 ms = 0.01 sec = 100 Hz
const unsigned long timerInterval = 1000;
unsigned long timerLast = 0; // timer
// Adafruit MAX31856 Universal Thermocouple Amplifier
// Library: Adafruit_MAX31856
// Adafruit_MAX31856(CS, MOSI/SDI, MISO/SDO, SCK)
// Below for Feather M0 Basic
//Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(A1, 23, 22, 24);
//Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(A1);
Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(A1, A4, A2, A5);
// Below works on Arduino Uno (must connect all wires)
//Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(10, 11, 12, 13);
//Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(10); // 11, 12, 13 hardware SPI
//Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(4, 5, 6, 7);
// Particle Argon/Boron:
//Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(A1, D3, D4, D2);
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
// Adafruit MAX31856 Universal Thermocouple Amplifier
while (! Thermocouple.begin()) {
Serial.println("Setup complete\n");
} // setup()
void loop() {
if (timerLast > millis()) timerLast = millis();
if ((millis() - timerLast) > timerInterval) {
// Check and print any thermocouple faults
uint8_t fault = Thermocouple.readFault();
if (fault) {
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJRANGE) Serial.println("Cold Junction Range Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCRANGE) Serial.println("Thermocouple Range Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJHIGH) Serial.println("Cold Junction High Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_CJLOW) Serial.println("Cold Junction Low Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCHIGH) Serial.println("Thermocouple High Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_TCLOW) Serial.println("Thermocouple Low Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_OVUV) Serial.println("Over/Under Voltage Fault");
if (fault & MAX31856_FAULT_OPEN) Serial.println("Thermocouple Open Fault");
Serial.println(" ");
} else {
// NOTE: You can still have a wiring fault that is not detected, and
// the temperature will be reported as 0.00
Serial.print("Thermocouple Temp: ");
Serial.println(" C");
timerLast = millis();
// The yield() function allows ESP8266 microcontroller to run a
// number of utility functions in the background, without causing
// the ESP8266 to crash or reset. Include it within any
// while() + digitalRead() and other loops;
} // loop()
/* Argon
device name: Argon_A
// Create a timer executed every 25 seconds.
const unsigned long timerA = 25000; // 25000 ms = 25 seconds
unsigned long timerAlap = millis(); // timer
// Adafruit MAX31856 Universal Thermocouple Amplifier
// Library: Adafruit_MAX31856
// Adafruit_MAX31856(CS, MOSI/SDI, MISO/SDO, SCK)
Adafruit_MAX31856 Thermocouple = Adafruit_MAX31856(A1, D3, D4, D2);
double tempC = 0.0;
int pinLEDWhite = A0; // A0 = D19
void setup() {
pinMode(pinLEDWhite, OUTPUT);
// Adafruit MAX31856 Universal Thermocouple Amplifier
while (! Thermocouple.begin()) {
digitalWrite(pinLEDWhite, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinLEDWhite, LOW);
// Publish the value of tempC as a Particle variable.
// The frequency of publishing is managed by Particle.
timerAlap = millis(); // reset the timer
} // setup()
void loop() {
if (timerAlap > millis()) timerAlap = millis();
if (millis() - timerAlap > timerA) {
uint8_t fault = Thermocouple.readFault();
if (fault) {
digitalWrite(pinLEDWhite, HIGH);
} else {
tempC = Thermocouple.readThermocoupleTemperature();
timerAlap = millis(); // reset the timer
} // loop()
void blinkLED(byte ledPIN){
// consumes 300 ms.
for(int i = 5; i>0; i--){
digitalWrite(ledPIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPIN, LOW);
} // blinkLED()
-50 to 600°C, and the accuracy is ±(2.0% + 2°C). Operating range -40 to +125 °C.
Grove K-Type Thermocouple details from Seeed
Interface the Grove sensor with the Particle IoT device using either the Grove Shield FeatherWing - Wio Lite or the Grove Shield FeatherWing.
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