When your Feather analog output cannot support the load you are trying to send a signal to, or you are out of digital outputs, this 12-bit DAC may be the answer. The MCP4725 DCA will output 0 to 5V (or 0 to 3.3V, selectable via switch) at up to 3.4 Mbps. The I2C address can be hard wired between either 0x62 or 0x63 so you can stack another FeatherWing on top if it to add another analog output. To change the default I2C address of 0x62 to 0x63, just add a jumper to the board where it is labeled 'A0 0x63 (0x62 no conn)'. See the Adafruit MCP4725 tutorial for details on how to program the MCP4725 over I2C, and for the Arduino library. CircuitPython is also supported.
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