Feather Spec. |
| | Feather Spec. |
RST | | | --- |
3V3 | | | --- |
ARf | | | --- |
GND | | | --- |
A0 | | | Vbat |
A1 | | | EN |
A2 | | | Vbus |
A3 | | | D13 LED |
A4 or D24 (2) | | | D12 |
A5 or D25 (2) | | | D11 |
SCK | | | D10 |
MOSI | | | D9 |
MISO | | | D6 |
Rx D0 | | | D5 |
Tx D1 | | | SCL |
(1) | | | SDA |
Color Key: SPI I2C (I2C pullup on FeatherWing, not Feather) GPIO free
(1) free pin that varies in use from one board to the next.
(2) D24 and D25 can be used in place of A4 and A5 when the pins do not feature any analog capabilities.
RST Pull to ground to reset the Feather. A tactile button to reset must be on the Feather.
The EN pin is an input to the Feather and must depower the 3.3V output. Typically connected to the Enable pin on the 3.3V regulator, with a 100K pullup. It does not disable VBAT/VUSB.
All GPIO are 3.3V logic. 7 mA per pin recommended (10 mA max).
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