After trying and testing several encryption libraries, I finally found one that could be implemented in a way that would allow encryption and decryption of a byte array of any size (tested to an array with 255 characters). Encryption using Spaniakos - AES Encryption Library for Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Download library from: See also:
// Encryption example using Spaniakos - AES Encryption Library for Arduino and Raspberry Pi. // Example created by: Mark W Kiehl Mechatronic Solutions LLC // Example provided "as-is" without any warranty or implied fitness for use. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Encryption using Spaniakos - AES Encryption Library for Arduino and Raspberry Pi // Download library from: // // #includeAES aes; byte *key = (unsigned char*)"01234567890123456789012345678901"; // encryption key unsigned long long int myIv = 36753562; // CBC initialization vector; real iv = iv x2 ex: 01234567 = 0123456701234567 byte iv [N_BLOCK] ; unsigned long successCount = 0; boolean bVerbose = false; // You must define arrays for encryption / decryption here globally // if you intend to populate the contents of strToEncrypt in a loop // where the contents change (such as sensor data). // Define arrays for encryption byte iSizeUnpadded = 111; byte iSizePadded = 113; // =iSizeUnpadded+17 works for any size. See setup() for calculation of exact padding. byte arrToEncrypt[111]; // Size = iSizeUnpadded byte cipher[113]; // Encrypted arrToEncrypt. Size = iSizeUnpadded + 17 // Define arrays for decryption byte arrDecryptedPadded[113]; // decrypted cipher with padding. Size = iSizeUnpadded + 17 byte decrypted[111]; // decrypted string without padding. Size = iSizeUnpadded ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const byte pinBuiltInLED = 13; void setup() { pinMode(pinBuiltInLED, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { delay(1); } Serial.println("Serial ready\n"); // declare and initialize the variables for encryption / decryption aes.iv_inc(); // Use the statement below to calculate the exact size for iSizePadded Serial.print("iSizePadded = "); Serial.println(sizeof(arrToEncrypt) + (N_BLOCK - ((sizeof(arrToEncrypt)-1) % 16))); } // setup() void loop() { digitalWrite(pinBuiltInLED, HIGH); // Fill arrToEncrypt with random content with a length between 5 and iSizeUnpadded byte iSizeArr = random(5,iSizeUnpadded); BuildRandomChar(arrToEncrypt, iSizeArr); int iSizePadded = iSizeArr + (N_BLOCK - ((iSizeArr-1) % 16)); // length of padded arrToEncrypt if (iSizePadded > sizeof(cipher) || iSizePadded > sizeof(arrDecryptedPadded)) { Serial.print("ERROR - array size of cipher or arrDecryptedPadded is too small!"); while (1); } // Encrypt arrToEncrypt and update cipher with the result aesEncrypt(256, bVerbose); // Decrypt cipher, and update decrypted with the result aesDecrypt(256, bVerbose); // Compare arrToEncrypt to decrypted int matches = 0; for(int i=0; i < iSizeUnpadded; i++){ if(arrToEncrypt[i]==decrypted[i]){ matches++; } } if (matches == sizeof(arrToEncrypt)) { successCount++; digitalWrite(pinBuiltInLED, LOW); } Serial.print(matches/sizeof(arrToEncrypt)*100); Serial.print("% match between arrToEncrypt and decrypted for size = "); Serial.print(iSizeArr); Serial.print(" bytes ( encrypt/decrypt count = "); Serial.print(successCount); Serial.println(") "); if (matches == sizeof(arrToEncrypt)) { successCount++; } else { Serial.print("ERROR after "); Serial.print(successCount); Serial.println(" encrypt/decrypt cycles"); Serial.print("sizeof(arrToEncrypt) = "); Serial.println(sizeof(arrToEncrypt)); Serial.print("matches = "); Serial.println(matches); for(int i=0; i < sizeof(arrToEncrypt); i++){ Serial.print(i); Serial.print(",0x"); Serial.print(arrToEncrypt[i],HEX); Serial.print(",0x"); Serial.println(decrypted[i],HEX); } while (1); } Serial.println(); } // loop() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Encryption using Spaniakos - AES Encryption Library for Arduino and Raspberry Pi void aesDecrypt(int bits, boolean bVerbose) { // Decrypt cipher and write to arrDecryptedPadded aes.set_IV(myIv); aes.get_IV(iv); unsigned long us = micros(); //Serial.print("aesDecrypt aes.get_size() = "); Serial.println(aes.get_size()); aes.do_aes_decrypt(cipher,iSizeUnpadded+1,arrDecryptedPadded,key,bits,iv); if (bVerbose == true) { Serial.print("Decryption took "); Serial.print(micros() - us); Serial.println(" us"); } // Create new array decrypted with the unencrypted content // from arrDecryptedPadded excluding the padding. for (int i=0; i < iSizeUnpadded; i++) { decrypted[i] = arrDecryptedPadded[i]; } } // aesDecrypt() void aesEncrypt(int bits, boolean bVerbose) { // Encrypts arrToEncrypt based on bits (256) bit encryption and updates // cipher with the encrypted result. aes.set_IV(myIv); aes.get_IV(iv); unsigned long us = micros (); //Serial.print("aesEncrypt aes.get_size() = "); Serial.println(aes.get_size()); aes.do_aes_encrypt(arrToEncrypt,iSizeUnpadded+1,cipher,key,bits,iv); if (bVerbose == true) { Serial.print("Encryption took "); Serial.print(micros() - us); Serial.println(" us"); } } // aesEncrypt() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BuildRandomChar(byte *arr, int len){ byte j = 0; for (int i=0; i < len-1; i++) { switch (j){ case 0: arr[i] = char(random(65,91)); j = 1; break; case 1: arr[i] = char(random(97,123)); j = 2; break; default: arr[i] = char(random(48,58)); j = 0; break; } // switch } arr[len-1] = 0x00; } // BuildRandomChar()
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