In Fusion 360 create a 'New Project' and give it a name. Create a blank electronics workspace with 'File' -> 'New electronic design', and then save the electronics workspace. At the top of the page under 'COMMON' you have four create options. From this point, unless you have an existing schematic or PCB design, you need to choose the 'New Schematic' option. The 'PLACE COMPONENTS' tab in the left window allows you to search for and add existing components from the component library. Use wild cards to search for components by a partial phrase (*feather*).
How to create a new component. Start by creating a schematic, and then create the electronic footprint for the PCB. And then finalize it by creating a 3D model of the part quickly using the 3D Package Generator.
Components are accessed via the Library Manager.
You can import an Eagle library such as the Adafruit Eagle Library on GitHub into Fusion 360 by first downloading the .zip file from Git Hub, and then extracting the contents so that the *.libr file is accessible (adafruit.lbr). From Fusion 360 Library Manage, choose 'Import libraries' -> 'Import from local disk', and browse for the *.lbr file you want to import. After the import, make sure the Library Manager 'Local disk' option is checked/enabled. To browse parts, close Library Manager and go back to 'Library' -> 'Place Component' and search for a part in the Adafruit library by name (try "LM3622"). You can learn more about the Adafruit library at: Accessing and Using Adafruit PCB Design Files.
Assemble all of the required components into a schematic. Connect them using the 'net' tool. Use 5V, 3V3, and GND symbols to keep the schematic simple, and label the other signals to and link them to the components in their path (video). Create groups around each component with the placed named nets. Validate the schmematic by using the ERC (electrical rule check) tool.
ULPs and Scripts are available to automate the export a BOM and other tasks.
Define your board size. Move the components around on the PCB to begin to organize them, noting the routes of the 'air wires'. Use a ground and power plane to simplify typical component connections.
Designing a PCB in Fusion 360 by Will Donaldson (video)
Under Development
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