Local file system folders & files

Below are a collection of solutions relating to interacting with folders and files on a local file system.   If you search for these topics, you will get many possible solutions.   I tried to pick the most robust, fastest, and memory efficient options.  

  • Get the current script folder.
  • Define a file from a specific drive and path on the Windows OS and get information about it.
  • Get the path to the user's home directory.
  • Determine what the operating system (OS) is.
  • Create a temporary subfolder within the OS temporary folder, create a new temporary file, delete both the temporary file and subfolder.
  • Get a random subfolder from a folder.
  • Get a random file from a folder.
  • Get all of the subfolders within a folder
  • Get all of the subfolders within a folder recursively
  • Get all of the files in folder
  • Get all of the files in all subfolders from within a folder
  • Write and read to a Pickle file.
  • Write and read to a Parquet file.
  • Use DuckDB as a transformation engine to read multiple CSV files and save the data to a Parquet file.


#   Written by:  Mark W Kiehl
#   http://mechatronicsolutionsllc.com/
#   http://www.savvysolutions.info/savvycodesolutions/

# File system solutions/examples:
#   Get the current script folder.
#   Define a file from a specific drive and path on the Windows OS and get information about it.
#   Get the path to the user's home directory.
#   Determine what the operating system (OS) is.
#   Create a temporary subfolder within the OS temporary folder, create a new temporary file, delete both the temporary file and subfolder. 
#   Get a random subfolder from a folder.
#   Get a random file from a folder.
#   Get all of the subfolders within a folder
#   Get all of the subfolders within a folder recursively
#   Get all of the files in folder
#   Get all of the files in all subfolders from within a folder
#   Write, read, append to a CSV file
#   Write & read to a Pickle file

#   Write and read to a JSON file
#   Write and read to INI file

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2024 Mechatronic Solutions LLC
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

__version__ = "0.0.1"
# 0.0.0     First release of get_folders_or_files(), and examples on file IO.
# 0.0.1     Write, read, append to a CSV file.  
#           Write and read to a Pickle file. 
#           Write and read to a Parquet file. 
#           Use DuckDB as a transformation engine to read multiple CSV files and save the data to a Parquet file.
from pathlib import Path
print("'" + Path(__file__).stem + ".py'  v" + __version__)

# Configure logging (optional)
import os.path
from pathlib import Path
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename=Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath(os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]+".log"), encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
logging.info("Script start..")      # Use logging.info("") to add something to the log

def get_folders_or_files(folder=None, return_folders=True, recursive=False, show_errors=True, verbose=False):
    Returns a list all folders or files for folder.
    Argument folder can be string, Path, or os.DirEntry.
    return_folders=True will return the subfolders of folder.
    recursive=True will recursively search all subfolders of folder. 

    from pathlib import Path
    import os

    if isinstance(folder, str): folder = Path(str)
    if isinstance(folder, os.DirEntry) or isinstance(folder, Path):
        raise Exception("Unknown type of " + str(type(folder)) + " passed to " + get_folders_or_files.__name__ + ": " + str(folder))

    if not folder.is_dir(): raise Exception("Folder does not exist: " + str(folder))

    def get_files_scandir(folder=None, show_errors=True, verbose=False):
        # Recursively searches folder for files and returns a list of them as Path.
        # Folder may be of type str, Path, or os.DirEntry
        # Fast!!!
        files = []
            with os.scandir(folder) as entries:
                for entry in entries:
                    if entry.is_file(): 
                        items = get_files_scandir(entry)
                        for item in items: files.append(item)
        except Exception as e:
            if show_errors: print(e)
        return files

    def get_folders_scandir(folder=None, show_errors=True, verbose=False):
        # Recursively searches folder for folders and returns a list of them as Path.
        # Argument folder may be of type str, Path, or os.DirEntry
        # Fast!!!
        folders = []
            with os.scandir(folder) as entries:
                for entry in entries:
                    if entry.is_dir(): 
                        items = get_folders_scandir(entry)
                        for item in items: folders.append(item)
        except Exception as e:
            if show_errors: print(e)
        return folders

    if folder is None: raise Exception("Argument 'folder' was not passed to the fn " + get_folders_or_files.__name__ + "() .")

    files_or_folders = []

    if return_folders == True:
        if recursive == False:
            files_or_folders = [f for f in folder.iterdir() if f.is_dir()]       # # Gets only the subfolders in folder, not recursive subfolder search
        else:   # recursive == True
            files_or_folders = get_folders_scandir(folder=folder, show_errors=show_errors)
            # Below method takes 7x longer
            #for path in folder.rglob("*"):
            #    if path.is_dir():
            #        if verbose: print(str(path)) 
            #        files_or_folders.append(path)

    else:   # return files
        if recursive == False:
            files_or_folders = [f for f in folder.iterdir() if f.is_file()]        # Gets only the files in folder, not the subfolders
        else:   # recursive == True
            files_or_folders = get_files_scandir(folder=folder, show_errors=show_errors)
            # Below method takes 7x longer
            #for file in folder.rglob("*"):
            #    if file.is_file():
            #        if verbose: print(str(file)) 
            #        files_or_folders.append(file)

    return files_or_folders

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Get the current script folder

    from pathlib import Path

    folder = Path(Path.cwd())
    if not folder.is_dir(): raise Exception("Folder doesn't exist or other error: " + str(folder))
    print("Current script folder: " + str(folder))
    # To get a known subfolder:  folder = folder.joinpath("subfolder_name")

    # Define a file from a specific drive and path on the Windows OS
    # and get information about it

    import os.path
    from pathlib import Path

    # Note below how the backslash is escaped with a backslash, e.g. \\
    # The path below is from a PC running Windows OS.
    file = Path("F:\\archive\\Music\\music_library_master\\Sia\\05 - Unstoppable.mp3")
    print("file.exists(): ", file.exists())     # True if file or folder exists
    print("file.is_dir(): ", file.is_dir())     # True if folder exists
    print("file.is_file(): ", file.is_file())   # True if file exists

    print("file.name: ", file.name)             # full filename with extension
    print("file.stem: ", file.stem)             # filename only, without extension
    print("file.suffix: ", file.suffix)         # filename extension  e.g. .mp3
    print("file.parent:", file.parent)          # The full parent path without the final backslash.   F:\archive\Music\music_library_master\Sia
    print("file.anchor: ", file.anchor)         # drive and root    e.g. F:\

    print("file.with_name(): ", file.with_name("my_new_filename"))             # renames the file. Returns full path with new filename

    print("file.drive: ", file.drive)           # drive  e.g. F:
    print("file.parts: ", file.parts)           # Tuple of drive, parent folders, and filename ('F:\\', 'archive', 'Music', 'music_library_master', 'Sia', '05 - Unstoppable.mp3')
    print("file.root: ", file.root)             # \
    print("file.suffixes: ", file.suffixes)     # ['.mp3']
    print("file.as_posix(): ", file.as_posix()) # String representation of path with foward slashes  F:/archive/Music/music_library_master/Sia/05 - Unstoppable.mp3
    print("file.as_uri(): ", file.as_uri())     # file:///F:/archive/Music/music_library_master/Sia/05%20-%20Unstoppable.mp3
    print("file.is_block_device(): ", file.is_block_device())     # True if the file points to hardware that manages data in fixed-size segments called blocks.
    print("file.is_char_device(): ", file.is_char_device())     # True if the file points to hardware that manages data as a stream of bytes.

    # Get the path to the user's home directory

    from pathlib import Path

    folder_home = Path.home()                          # Returns the path to the user's home directory
    print("folder_home: '" + str(folder_home) + "'")
    # Get the user's Documents folder
    folder_home = folder_home.joinpath("Documents")
    print("folder_home: '" + str(folder_home) + "'")

    # Determine what the operating system (OS) is

    # Several options including os and sys, but the 'platform' library works well and also provides the OS version
    import platform
    print("platform.system():", platform.system())
    # platform.system() returns: 'Linux', 'Darwin', 'Java', 'Windows'
    print("platform.system():", platform.version())     # 10.0.22631
    print("platform.system():", platform.release())     # 10

    # Get the OS temporary folder and create a unique subfolder.
    # Create a new temporary file in the new subfolder.
    # Delete the temporary file, and then the temporary folder. 

    import os
    from tempfile import gettempdir, TemporaryFile
    from pathlib import Path
    import uuid
    from shutil import rmtree
    # Show the OS temp folder
    print("gettempdir():", gettempdir())        
    # Get a new subfolder under the OS temp folder that doesn't already exist
    #tmp_folder = os.path.join(gettempdir(), '.{}'.format(hash(os.times())))
    tmp_folder = os.path.join(gettempdir(), uuid.uuid4().hex)
    print("tmp_folder:", tmp_folder)                          
    tmp_folder = Path(tmp_folder)
    if tmp_folder.is_dir(): raise Exception("Folder already exists: " + str(tmp_folder))
    # Create the subfolder
    if not tmp_folder.is_dir(): raise Exception("Folder could not be created: ", tmp_folder)

    # Create a new temporary file (that doesn't already exist)
    tmp_file = tmp_folder.joinpath(uuid.uuid4().hex + ".csv")
    print("tmp_file '" + tmp_file.name + "'")
    # Now you can create the file
    with open(tmp_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write("id; num_int; num_float; str1")
        lines = []
        line = str(0) + ";" + str(32761) + ";" + str(1.234) + ";" + "abcde" + "\n"
        line = str(1) + ";" + str(32762) + ";" + str(2.345) + ";" + "fghijk" + "\n"
    # File is automatically closed at the end of the "with open() as f:" block.
    # Make sure the file exists:
    if not tmp_file.is_file(): raise Exception("tmp_file not created!  " + str(tmp_file))

    # When done with the file and folder, delete them..

    # Delete the temporary file if it exists
    if tmp_file.is_file(): raise Exception("tmp_file could not be deleted! " + str(tmp_file))

    # Delete the subfolder
    rmtree(tmp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
    if tmp_folder.is_dir(): raise Exception("Folder could not be deleted: ", tmp_folder)
    print("The new temporary folder has been deleted: ", tmp_folder)

    # Get a random subfolder from a folder

    import os
    import random
    from pathlib import Path

    folder = Path.home()

    rnd_folder = folder.joinpath(random.choice([x for x in folder.iterdir() if x.is_dir()]))
    if not rnd_folder.is_dir(): raise Exception("Not a folder that exists: '" + str(rnd_folder) + "'")
    print("rnd_folder: '" + str(rnd_folder) + "'")

    # Get a random file from a folder

    import os
    import random
    from pathlib import Path

    folder = Path.home()

    rnd_file = folder.joinpath(random.choice([x for x in folder.iterdir() if x.is_file()]))
    if not rnd_file.is_file(): raise Exception("Not a file that exists: '" + str(rnd_file) + "'")
    print("rnd_file: '" + str(rnd_file) + "'")

    # Get all of the subfolders within a folder
    from pathlib import Path

    folder = Path.home()

    # Get all of the subfolders in the user's home directory (one level deep only, not recursively).
    folders = get_folders_or_files(folder=folder, return_folders=True, recursive=False)
    print(str(len(folders)) + " folders found in " + str(folder))
    for path in folders:
        print("\t'" + str(path) + "'")
        #print("\t'" + path.name + "'")

    # Get all of the subfolders within a folder recursively
    import time
    from pathlib import Path
    t_start_sec = time.perf_counter()

    folder = Path.home()

    # Get all of the files in all subfolders in the user's home directory.
    folders = get_folders_or_files(folder=folder, return_folders=True, recursive=True, show_errors=True)
    print(str(len(folders)) + " folders found in " + str(folder))
    t_end_sec = time.perf_counter()
    print(str(round(t_end_sec-t_start_sec,1)) + " sec")
    # Show some of the contents in folders
    i = 0
    for path in folders:
        print("\t'" + str(path) + "'")
        i += 1
        if i > 5: break
    # 100260 folders found in 11 sec


    # Get all of the files in folder
    from pathlib import Path

    folder = Path.home()

    # Get all of the files in the user's home directory (do not recursively search the subfolders).
    files = get_folders_or_files(folder=folder, return_folders=False, recursive=False)
    print(str(len(files)) + " files found in " + str(folder))
    i = 0
    for file in files:
        print("\t'" + str(file) + "'")

    # Get all of the files in all subfolders from within a folder
    from pathlib import Path

    folder = Path.home()

    # Get all of the files in all subfolders in the user's home directory.
    files = get_folders_or_files(folder=folder, return_folders=False, recursive=True, show_errors=True)
    print(str(len(files)) + " files found in " + str(folder))
    i = 0
    for file in files:
        print("\t'" + str(file) + "'")
        i += 1
        if i > 10: break
    # 695682 files found in 70 sec (old method), now 11 to 15 sec

    # Write, read, append to a CSV file
    import csv
    from pathlib import Path

    path_file = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('junk.csv')

    # Write CSV
    rows = [['Garden Hollow Road Designated Dispersed Campsite 10', 'https://www.campendium.com/garden-hollow-road-campsite-10?source=search-results-list'], ['Gas Well Equestrian Camping Area', 'https://www.campendium.com/gas-well-equestrian-camping-area?source=search-results-list'], ['Spruce Run Road Designated Dispersed Campsite-5', 'https://www.campendium.com/spruce-run-road-campsite-5?source=search-results-list']]
    header = ["name","url"]
    with open(path_file, "w", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write the header
        # write the rows

    # Read CSV
    with open(path_file, "r", newline='') as f:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
        for row in csv_reader:
            # Each row read from the csv file is returned as a list of strings.
            #print(', '.join(row))
            print(row[0] + "; " + row[1])

    # Append row to existing CSV
    row = ['Blue Mountain Westbound Service Plaza', 'https://www.campendium.com/blue-mountain-service-plaza-westbound?source=search-results-list']
    with open(path_file, "a", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write (append) the row


    # Write & read to a Pickle file
    import pickle
    from pathlib import Path

    path_file = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('junk.pickle')

    data = {}
    data['name'] = 'Garden Hollow Road Designated Dispersed Campsite 10'
    data['lat'] = 41.0275
    data['lon'] = -77.1604

    with open(path_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(data, f)
    del data

    with open(path_file, 'rb') as f:
        data = pickle.load(f)
    for key in data:
        print(key, data[key], type(data[key]))

    # Write & read from a Parquet file.
    # A Parquet file is a standardized open-source columnar storage format 
    # for use in data analysis systems.  The file size is small and 
    # and reading/writing is very fast.  Metadata is also supported.
    import csv
    from pathlib import Path

    # Write the CSV file
    path_file_csv = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series.csv')
    rows = [
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:46",1677764806,32762,1.17549435e-38,False,"str,ABC"],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:47",1677764807,-32761,-1.17549435e-38,True,""],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:46",1677764808,-100,1.7287196056221583e+38,True,"str DEF"]
    header = ["datetime","unix_s","int","float","bool1","text"]
    with open(path_file_csv, "w", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write the header
        # write the rows
    # The CSV file looks like this:
    #   datetime;unix_s;int;float;bool1;text
    #   2023-03-02 13:46:46;1677764806;32762;1.17549435e-38;False;str,ABC
    #   2023-03-02 13:46:47;1677764807;-32761;-1.17549435e-38;True;
    #   2023-03-02 13:46:46;1677764808;-100;1.7287196056221583e+38;True;str DEF

    # Read the CSV file into memory using the PyArrow library
    # pip install pyarrow
    from pyarrow import parquet
    from pyarrow import csv as pa_csv
    parse_options = pa_csv.ParseOptions(delimiter=";")
    table = pa_csv.read_csv(path_file_csv, parse_options=parse_options)
    #print(type(table))      # 
    # Write the Parquet file
    path_file_parquet = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series.parquet')
    parquet.write_table(table, path_file_parquet)
    del table

    # Read the Parquet file into memmory
    #table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet)                       # To a PyArrow table
    #table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet).to_pandas()           # To a Pandas table
    table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet).to_pydict()            # To a Python dictionary
    print("Parquet file " + str(path_file_parquet) + ":")

    # Use DuckDB as a transformation engine to read a CSV file and save it to a Parquet file.
    import csv
    from pathlib import Path

    # Write the CSV file
    path_file_csv = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series.csv')
    rows = [
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:46",1677764806,32762,1.17549435e-38,False,"str,ABC"],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:47",1677764807,-32761,-1.17549435e-38,True,""],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:48",1677764808,-100,1.7287196056221583e+38,True,"str DEF"]
    header = ["datetime","unix_s","int","float","bool1","text"]
    with open(path_file_csv, "w", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write the header
        # write the rows
    # The CSV file looks like this:
    #   datetime;unix_s;int;float;bool1;text
    #   2023-03-02 13:46:46;1677764806;32762;1.17549435e-38;False;str,ABC
    #   2023-03-02 13:46:47;1677764807;-32761;-1.17549435e-38;True;
    #   2023-03-02 13:46:48;1677764808;-100;1.7287196056221583e+38;True;str DEF

    # Read the CSV file with duckdb
    import duckdb           # pip install duckdb

    # create a DuckDB session
    # Instantiate the database connector with an empty string
    # so that DuckDB doesn't create its own database file. 
    # We want to use DuckDB as a transformation engine and don't need
    # to create tables, views, etc. 
    cursor = duckdb.connect("")

    # Define the Parquet file to write to and delete it if it already exists
    path_file_parquet = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series.parquet')
    if path_file_parquet.exists(): path_file_parquet.unlink()
    if path_file_parquet.exists(): raise Exception("Parquet file exists after attempt to unlink(): ", path_file_parquet.exists())

    # Define a query.
    # The outer expression is a simple COPY … TO … , which writes the inner query’s result to a file.
    query  = "COPY (SELECT * FROM "
    query += "read_csv('" + str(path_file_csv) + "', filename=True, delim = '|', header=True, AUTO_DETECT=TRUE)"
    query += ")"
    query += " TO '" + str(path_file_parquet) + "' (FORMAT 'parquet');"
    # COPY (SELECT * FROM read_csv('C:\\Users\\Mark Kiehl\\Documents\\computer\\Python\\venv\\savvy\\time_series.csv', filename=True, delim = '|', header=True, AUTO_DETECT=TRUE)) TO 'C:\\Users\\Mark Kiehl\\Documents\\computer\\Python\\venv\savvy\\time_series.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet');

    # Read the Parquet file into memmory
    # pip install pyarrow
    from pyarrow import parquet
    #table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet)                       # To a PyArrow table
    #table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet).to_pandas()           # To a Pandas table
    table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet).to_pydict()            # To a Python dictionary
    print("Parquet file " + str(path_file_parquet) + ":")

    # Use DuckDB as a transformation to read mULTIPLE CSV files and save them to a Parquet file.
    # Although the example CSV files are small, they could total many GB.
    # DuckDB also has a much better performance than SQLite (5 to 10x).
    import csv
    from pathlib import Path

    # Write the CSV file
    path_file_csv = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series_1.csv')
    rows = [
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:46",1677764806,32762,1.17549435e-38,False,"str,ABC"],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:47",1677764807,-32761,-1.17549435e-38,True,""],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:48",1677764808,-100,1.7287196056221583e+38,True,"str DEF"]
    header = ["datetime","unix_s","int","float","bool1","text"]
    with open(path_file_csv, "w", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write the header
        # write the rows
    # Write two more CSV files
    path_file_csv = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series_2.csv')
    rows = [
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:49",1677764809,32769,1.17549435e-38,False,"str,ABC"],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:50",1677764810,-32759,-1.17549435e-38,True,""],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:51",1677764811,-200,1.7287196056221583e+38,True,"str DEF"]
    with open(path_file_csv, "w", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write the header
        # write the rows
    path_file_csv = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series_3.csv')
    rows = [
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:52",1677764812,32758,1.17549435e-38,False,"str,ABC"],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:53",1677764813,-32757,-1.17549435e-38,True,""],
        ["2023-03-02 13:46:54",1677764814,-300,1.7287196056221583e+38,True,"str DEF"]
    with open(path_file_csv, "w", newline='') as f:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter =';')
        # write the header
        # write the rows

    # Read the CSV file with duckdb
    import duckdb           # pip install duckdb

    # Define the Parquet file to write to and delete it if it already exists
    path_file_parquet = Path(Path.cwd()).joinpath('time_series_3x.parquet')
    if path_file_parquet.exists(): path_file_parquet.unlink()
    if path_file_parquet.exists(): raise Exception("Parquet file exists after attempt to unlink(): ", path_file_parquet.exists())

    # create a DuckDB session
    # Instantiate the database connector with an empty string
    # so that DuckDB doesn't create its own database file. 
    # We want to use DuckDB as a transformation engine and don't need
    # to create tables, views, etc. 
    cursor = duckdb.connect("")

    # Define a query.
    # The outer expression is a simple COPY … TO … , which writes the inner query’s result to a file.
    query  = "COPY (SELECT * FROM "
    query += "read_csv('time_series_*.csv', filename=True, delim = '|', header=True, AUTO_DETECT=TRUE)"
    query += ")"
    query += " TO 'time_series_3x.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet');"

    # Read the Parquet file into memmory
    # pip install pyarrow
    from pyarrow import parquet
    #table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet)                       # To a PyArrow table
    #table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet).to_pandas()           # To a Pandas table
    table = parquet.read_table(path_file_parquet).to_pydict()            # To a Python dictionary
    print("Parquet file " + str(path_file_parquet) + ":")

escaped code goes here