GitHub is a cloud based Git repository hosting service.
git status
git init
git add .
git add . will take a snapshot of all files & folders in the current folder. The snapshot is stored in a temporary staging area Git calls "index". Permanently store the contents of the index in the repository with the git commit command.
git commit -m "my notes about the repository"
Without the "-m" argument, a text editor will open, allowing you to add comments about the version being committed.
Execute the command git log to see a history of the changes comitted.
To begin pushing the local git repository to a remote repository GitHub, login to GitHub, and create a new repository (do not impoart). Do not create a description or a README so that the README displayed next will have instructions for pushing the local git repository to the remote GitHub repository. Choose a privacy option. Then from the local PC command line, enter the git commands below, substituting {url} for the URL suggested by GitHub. URL format is something like:{your github account name}/[github repository name}.git
git remote add origin {url}
git push -u origin master
Thereafter, you can push changes to GitHub using the command below issued from a command window and in the folder of the repository.
git push -u origin master
error: failed to push some refs to ...
git pull origin
git push origin
Replace the blob in the URL with raw.
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