
Git is a free and open distributed version control system.   The repositories are stored on your local PC.   You may link it to a product like GitHub to publish those repositories to a cloud based Git repository hosting service.  


Push Git project to GitHub

From a Windows command prompt, navigate to the project folder and initialize a new Git repository with the command:

git init


To add a remote GitHub repository to your local Git repository, first create a new repository on GitHub, then copy it's URL and add the URL to your local Git repository with the name "origin".  

git remote add origin {repository URL}


Stage changes or new files in the local Git repository, review the changes, and then save the changes:

git add .
git status
git commit -m "repository change comments"
git push origin main


Push local repository changes to the remote GitHub repository

git push origin main


tutorial by Git

tutorial by Meghan Nelson

tutorial resources by GitHub

Git cheat sheet

Git Deep Dive for Data Scientists

Git tutorial

Git cheat sheet