API Endpoints

Useful API endpoints and how to access them with Python.   An application program interface (API) is code that allows two software programs to communicate with each other.  

Punk API | DummyJSON | Spotify Web API | YouTube |


Dataset Downloads

kaggle CSV

kaggle JSON


A Guide to Obtaining Time Series Datasets in Python


Google Trends

Google Trends


Social Security Names Database

USA Names



The COVID 19 API has a free tier and provides responses in JSON.   Start with the documentation on Postman.  


Zillow API

The Zillow API has close to close to 20 APIs available with data and functionality related to the various aspects of Real Estate, including mortgate, Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and public data.  


Spotify Web API

The Spotify Web API provides access to dataset of about 169,000 records.   The base URI for all Web API requests is https://api.spotify.com/v1   In order to make successful Web API requests your app will need a valid OAutho 2.0 access token.  


Punk API

Punk API is a simple endpoint that requires no authentication and delivers detailed information about 325 beers returned as JSON.   The base endpoint is https://api.punkapi.com/v2/   You can page one beer at a time using the URL https://api.punkapi.com/v2/beers/?per_page=1&page=1 where each 'page=#' gives you details about a different beer.   Try it with your browser.  

A really good tutorial on how to access this endpoint using Python and PostgresSQL is written by Haki Benita and published on medium in the article Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python.   Below is my more direct approach derived from his work.  

#   Written by:  Mark W Kiehl
#   http://mechatronicsolutionsllc.com/
#   http://www.savvysolutions.info/savvycodesolutions/
#   Demonstrate using psycopg to create a table and then populate it with
#   data using the psycopg function psycopg2.extras.execute_batch.
#   Portions inspired and derived from the work of Haki Benita https://hakibenita.medium.com/fastest-way-to-load-data-into-postgresql-using-python-d2e6de8b2aaa
#   https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-python/
#   https://www.psycopg.org/docs/index.html

# pip install psycopg2
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras  # for execute_batch

conn = psycopg2.connect(
    password="[your db password]",
conn.autocommit = True  #set autocommit=True so every command we execute will take effect immediately

def create_db_table(cur):
    """ Connect to the local PostgreSQL database server """
        # connect to the PostgreSQL server
        print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...')
        # create a cursor
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # execute a SQL statement to get the PostgreSQL version
        cur.execute('SELECT version()')
        # display the PostgreSQL database server version
        db_version = cur.fetchone()
        # Create a new table 'test_a'
            DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_a;
            CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE test_a (
                id                  INTEGER,
                description         TEXT,
                first_brewed        DATE,
                num_float           DECIMAL,
                num_int             INTEGER

    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
            print('Created db table staging_bears and closed the db connection')

def add_data_to_table(cur, list_data):
    # Psycopg2 provides a way to insert many rows at once using .execute_batch (FYI much faster than .executebatch). 
    #print('type(list_data) {}'.format(type(list_data)))
    print('Inserting {} records into the db table test_a'.format(len(list_data)))    
        # connect to the PostgreSQL server
        print('Connecting to the PostgreSQL database...')
        psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(cur, """
            INSERT INTO test_a VALUES (
        """, list_data)    
        # execute a SQL statement to get the number of records in table test_a
        cur.execute('select count(*) from test_a;')
        rows = cur.fetchone()
        print('{} rows added to table test_a'.format(rows))
    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
        print('SQL ERROR: {}'.format(error))
        print('add_data_to_table() done')    

from datetime import datetime

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create table test_a
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        # create some data as a list of dictionaries.
        # NOTE:  The key of the dictionary must match the table field (column) names.
        dic = { 'id': 1,
                'description': 'my first description',
                'first_brewed': datetime.now(),
                'num_float':    1.2345,
                'num_int':      32767
        li = []
        dic = { 'id': 2,
                'description': 'my second description',
                'first_brewed': datetime.now(),
                'num_float':    5432.1,
                'num_int':      -32767
        add_data_to_table(cur, li)
        if conn is not None:



DummyJSON is an endpoint the provides multiple types of REST Endpoints filled with JSON data for testing.   All HTTP methods are supported.  

#   Written by:  Mark W Kiehl
#   http://mechatronicsolutionsllc.com/
#   http://www.savvysolutions.info/savvycodesolutions/

#	How to access the API endpoint DummyJSON
#		https://dummyjson.com/
#	Related links:
#       https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-build-an-elt-with-python-8f5d9d75a12e

#   venv:  api

# Endpoint users    https://dummyjson.com/users
  "users": [
      "id": 1,
      "firstName": "Terry",
      "lastName": "Medhurst",
      "maidenName": "Smitham",
      "age": 50,
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "atuny0@sohu.com",
      "phone": "+63 791 675 8914",
      "username": "atuny0",
      "password": "9uQFF1Lh",
      "birthDate": "2000-12-25",
      "image": "https://robohash.org/hicveldicta.png?size=50x50&set=set1",
      "bloodGroup": "A−",
      "height": 189,
      "weight": 75.4,
      "eyeColor": "Green",
      "hair": {
        "color": "Black",
        "type": "Strands"
      "domain": "slashdot.org",
      "ip": "",
      "address": {
        "address": "1745 T Street Southeast",
        "city": "Washington",
        "coordinates": {
          "lat": 38.867033,
          "lng": -76.979235
        "postalCode": "20020",
        "state": "DC"
      "macAddress": "13:69:BA:56:A3:74",
      "university": "Capitol University",
      "bank": {
        "cardExpire": "06/22",
        "cardNumber": "50380955204220685",
        "cardType": "maestro",
        "currency": "Peso",
        "iban": "NO17 0695 2754 967"
      "company": {
        "address": {
          "address": "629 Debbie Drive",
          "city": "Nashville",
          "coordinates": {
            "lat": 36.208114,
            "lng": -86.58621199999999
          "postalCode": "37076",
          "state": "TN"
        "department": "Marketing",
        "name": "Blanda-O'Keefe",
        "title": "Help Desk Operator"
      "ein": "20-9487066",
      "ssn": "661-64-2976",
      "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 ..."
    // 30 items
  "total": 100,
  "skip": 0,
  "limit": 30

#Python performance timer
from pickle import NONE
import time
t_start_sec = time.perf_counter()

# pip install memory-profiler
# Use the package memory-profiler to measure memory consumption
# The peak memory is the difference between the starting value of the “Mem usage” column, and the highest value (also known as the “high watermark”).
# IMPORTANT:  See how / where @profile is inserted before a function later in the script.
from memory_profiler import profile

import requests

ENDPOINT = "https://dummyjson.com/"

def make_api_call(resource):
    results_picked = 0
    total_results = 100 #We don't know yet, but we need to initialize
    all_data = []
    while results_picked < total_results:
        response = requests.get(f"{ENDPOINT}{resource}", params = {"skip" : results_picked})
        if response.status_code == 200:
            data = response.json()
            rows = data.get(resource)
            all_data += rows #concatening the two lists
            total_results = data.get("total")
            results_picked += len(rows) #to skip them in the next call
            raise Exception(response.text)
    return all_data

import json

@profile    # instantiating the decorator for the function/code to be monitored for memory usage by memory-profiler
def main():
    data_json = make_api_call("users")
    print('Detailed data for {} items acquired from {}'.format(len(data_json),ENDPOINT))
    #print(json.dumps(data_json, sort_keys=False, indent=2))    #prints out the data formatted nicely using json
    # Report the script execution time
    t_stop_sec = time.perf_counter()
    print('\nElapsed time {:6f} sec'.format(t_stop_sec-t_start_sec))

if __name__ == '__main__':

