Identify your shipping requirements by the package size and weight:
Weight < 70 lbs & max length plus girth <= 108 inches.
Weight < 70 lbs OR max length plus girth <= 130 inches.
Weight > 70 lbs OR max length plus girth > 108 inches.
Girth: Find the smallest of the overall length, width, and height and then measure the maximum distance around (4 sides).
Flat rate pricing may be used if the total package weight is less than 70 lbs.
Max weight is 150 lbs.
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) is used to classify imported goods based on a range of characteristics like composition, product name, and function. As the “importer of record,” you are ultimately responsible for using the proper HTS code. Use the code that describes your goods in its condition as imported. The difference between an HS code and HTS code is the number of digits within the code. A code with six digits is a universal standard (HS Code) and a code with 7-10 digits (HTS Code) is often unique after the 6th digit and determined by individual countries of import.
International Freight ForwardingLivingston International U.S. Freight Forwarding 1-800-837-1063
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